Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sonia Lareinaa Claims Her Life With Ik Ogbonna Is Worth More Than Having A Joint Bank Account.

Star  actor, IK Ogbonna, is obviously lucky to have opted to date a Colombian lady whom he really adores to the point that he seizes every opportunity to talk about her as one of the most wonderful persons in his life. He even goes as far as playing with her on social media thereby teaching young couples in relationship on how to make their woman happy.

In a close up interview session with Nigeriafilms.com, the adorable student and model, led us into her world of academics, career and love life which she finds more pleasing as it helps to show how mature a woman is.

Can we get to know who Sonia is and what she does?

I was born 19th January 1991 in a family of three, as only girl and the oldest child. I study at University of Belgrade in Republic of Serbia, At Faculty of Political Sciences - Department of Social Policy to be more specific. At the moment I am busy with my masters. I also do work of a translator because I fluently speak Five languages (does pidgin counts too? laughs). From time to time I do modeling jobs, but I really don’t take them truly serious.

Where are you based, Nigeria and Colombia?

All my life I have been citizen of a word. I hardly lived in South America though. I was mostly based in Europe at relation France-Holland-Serbia because of my education. Lately route Europe-Nigeria became very frequent in my schedule.

What do you find fascinating about IK and why did you accept to date him?

We are too much alike. If we were from the same country I would seriously doubt that he might be my long lost twin brother (laughs). He knows how I breathe!

What was your parent’s reaction about you dating him?

They all adore him in my family because of his amazing personality and the fact that he treats me like a real man should. Every normal parent is happy with their children's happiness.

Are you dating him for fun or you expect something serious from him like marriage?

There is very, very small circle of people I let come close to me. I don't have time or energy to let myself be around too many people. Ik is my best friend and a very special part of me.

How will you feel if he ends up not marrying you, won't you see it as a waste of time?

If someone is part of your destiny, nothing and none will be capable of changing it. In any other case every experience is a priceless blessing we learn from- if we are smart enough of course.

What is your perception about career women in marriages?

Personally I could never feel complete, satisfied, fulfilled or happy by sitting home 24/7. I’m very ambitious person, i love challenges, my mind works extremely fast, I’m restless business-minded woman and I don't see how a healthy marriage can affect my personal progress. Your man should support you, advice you, motivate you, encourage you, be proud of you, help you grow into better person by each and every day not control you or lock you in the kitchen. Remember, you are his partner not his child or a maid. Only frustrated, insecure, weak men will try to stop their women from their own professional progress. That's not love!

Do you support women working while in their husband’s home?

Hmm, that depends on circumstances. But in general, I love my man ambitious, hardworking, goal-
oriented, man that believes he can and will get whatever he decide to go for.

Is there any crime if a lady takes her guy or husband out on a date, have you done such and to who?

Not at all. If he treats you like a queen 24/7, he also deserves to be surprised with a date out, abi?

If Ik was not a star, would you have still accepted him?

I didn't even know he was a star before I came to Nigeria. As you remember, I’m not Nigerian neither I lived in Nigeria. Beside, takes much more than a "star" to impress me. There are plenty stars but there is only one Ik.

Do you believe in long distance relationship?
As I said, if someone was meant for you, no other person or situation can possibly change that. In that case, distance can only work in your favour and help you realize some amazing things.

If you were opportune to change something in Nigeria, what would that be and why?

Nigeria is amazingly beautiful country. You guys are extremely blessed with Natural Resources, just that organization is missing. Also, education must be more available to all social classes, not only a privilege of the rich. Same problems my own country is facing as well.

Do you smoke either in Nigeria or your country Colombia?

I don't smoke at all.

What is your best Nigerian food?

Afang soup and pounded yam. When I don't eat it, I dream about it.

What have you been up to with Nigerian kids that you are being adored by them?

As I had chance to mention before, I do study Social Policy and one of the programmes I’m into is called “Education of children in Third World Countries ". Since I came to Nigeria, i used the opportunity to visit schools in different slums and areas. Point is to bring these children necessary things they need on daily bases to study, to motivate them and encourage them, make them believe in themselves and to teach them that, even though it might not be easy, they can work towards building better lives for themselves and their families .The key to a brighter future of every society is educated youth. Besides, these kids are amazing. Too sharp, all they need is opportunity.

Can you have a joint account with IK and how well do you trust him to that?

I already joined my life with him. What's a bank account comparing to that?

Can you adapt to any situation in Nigeria if you end up marrying IK?

Every new place in this world will be different than one you are used to. The thing is - you can 1) enjoy those differences and learn about and from them or 2) you can see them as a problem- but that's nothing but a question of your own choice and point of view. I choose to love Nigeria and to see it as my other home.

What do you value most about yourself and why?

I love the way my mind function- I see everything as a blessing. I’m not a slave of negative thoughts, I hardly judge and I never hate. I can transfer my positive energy to people around me. I’m endlessly thankful to God for blessing me with wisdom and unconditional faith. I believe I can get anything I decide to go for. Truly priceless

What is that thing that people don't know about you?

Random People hardly know anything about me

Why have you not been seen dressed in Nigerian fabrics?

Oh I did! I have a collection of Ankara dresses and skirts and I especially love rocking them in Europe 

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